Hearthstone: Saddle up! Rixe en terres Ingrates, the new Hearthstone expansion, arrives in November!

GREETINGS, PARTNER! This November, Hearthstone lands in the Wild West with Rixe en terres Ingrates! The infamous Roc-Sanglant mining company, led by the no less despicable Sheriff Pleinbaril, has embarked on a major operation to drain all the azerite veins for their own profit. Will the outlaws led by Elise Cherchétoile’s companions be able to save Azeroth from the patient inhabitants who threaten to wipe the Ingrates lands off the map? Pre-orders are now open for 145 new cards, including legendary outlaws, the new “Good Pick” keyword, and a second, equally new keyword: “Dig Up”!


  • The Rixe en terres Ingrates expansion and its 145 new collectible cards arrive in November!
  • The Rixe en terres Ingrates pre-purchase megapack includes 80 packs, 10 gold packs, 1 random signature legendary card, 1 random gold legendary card, plus the Ulfar hero model and card back. The standard pack includes 60 packs, 2 non-gold random legendary cards and the Ulfar card back.
  • From October 17, all players who log on to the game will receive the Lightningbolt Legendary Card, featuring the Provocation effect and the Agony Rattle: summon an Elemental and a Beast from your deck.


  • New “Good draw“keyword : in Ingrates lands, knowing how to draw quickly can mean survival. Cards with the “Good Draw” keyword have a bonus during the turn they are added to your hand. So play cards as soon as they’re drawn to maximize their effects!
  • New “Dig up“keyword : the mine is full of riches, for those who know how to find them! Cards with the “Unearth” keyword bring the fabulous treasures of the azerite mine to the surface. Each time a “Dig Up” card is played, a random buried treasure of the current level is awarded, before moving on to the next level. Once the last treasure has been unearthed, the mine will dry up and you’ll have to start digging a new vein.
  • Legendary buried treasures: only inhabitants – represented by the Death Knight, Mage, Thief, Demonist and Warrior classes – will be able to discover a legendary treasure associated with their class after digging up four treasures.
  • Legendary outlaws. The Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Priest and Shaman classes have joined our band of friendly outlaws. Each of these classes has a legendary outlaw servant to collect, conferring a bonus effect if there are no duplicate cards in their deck.


  • Un’Goro is back in November in the Unforeseen mode season! Decks can now include cards from the famous crater as well as Wonders. Please note that the Demon Hunter and Death Knight classes will not be included in this season of Unforeseen mode.


  • The spookiest season of the year returns with the Sanssaint event. Players will be able to find the infamous Headless Horseman and win western-themed ornamental models for their characters. They can also take part in BlizzCon quests to win a special card back.
Read the 27.6 update notes for more details: https: //hearthstone.blizzard.com/fr-fr/news/23989479/notes-de-la-mise-a-jour-27-6


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