Pokemon Scarlett et Violet : mass outbreaks


A Golden Opportunity to Catch Shiny Pokémon! From Friday, April 26, 2024, at 02:00 CET to Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 01:59 CET, mass outbreaks of Magikarp and Varoom will be appearing throughout the Paldea region, mass outbreaks of Shinx will be appearing throughout the land of Kitakami, and mass outbreaks of Rellor will be appearing throughout the Terarium at Blueberry Academy. Shiny Pokémon are more likely to appear in these special mass outbreaks, so don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to find one!

Event Schedule
Friday, April 26, 2024, at 02:00 CET to Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 01:59 CET
Locations and Featured Pokémon
Paldea: Magikarp and Varoom
Kitakami: Shinx
Blueberry Academy: Rellor

Information about Mass Outbreak Events

• In order to participate in limited-time mass outbreak events, you need to have downloaded the latest update data and the latest Poké Portal News. You do not need a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership to receive the latest Poké Portal News.
• You can download the latest Poké Portal News by selecting Poké Portal from the X menu, then Mystery Gift, then Check Poké Portal News.
Please visit the official Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet website for more information.