Inspired by the famous story of Pinocchio, Lies of P is a Souls-like action game set in the dark, Belle Époque-inspired city of Kra. Once a beautiful city, Krat has become a living nightmare as deadly puppets run amok and an epidemic sweeps the land. Play as P, a puppet who must make his way through the city on his relentless quest to find Geppetto and finally become human. Lies of P features an elegant world full of tension, comprehensive combat and character customization systems, and a compelling story with interesting narrative choices as the more lies, the more human P becomes. Remember: in a world full of lies, no one can be trusted…
The release of Lies of P is scheduled for release by NEOWIZ on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam in 2023. Fans can follow the game on Twitter, Facebook and Steam, or join the community on the official Discord server.