Magic: The Gathering – Invasion of the Machines: a first look at the final battle!


The epic conclusion to the greatest battle in Magic’s history is almost here. The dreaded Elesh Norn and his Phyrexian army have begun their invasion of the multiverse, and are intent on conquering countless planes. Can the last remaining Sentinels turn the tide as the Phyrexian hordes threaten to destroy everything in their path, and assimilate the defeated into their ranks? The fate of the entire multiverse is in your hands in Invasion of the Machines, due out April 21.

The fate of countless planes hangs in the balance – Invasion of the Machines is a true battle for the multiverse, and opening a booster will give Magic players the feeling of visiting many planes in their favorite card game. A quick glance at the expansion’s cards will rediscover characters from across the multiverse, as well as treatments and borders from Magic’s rich history.

Legends of the Multiverse – This bonus set of cards that are not allowed in Standard – such as the Mystic Archive from Strixhaven: Academy of Mages or the retro artifacts from Fratricide War – will contain reprints of iconic Magic characters with a special treatment inspired by their original design.

Five New Commander Decks – With the Phyrexian invasion in full swing, now is the perfect time to introduce Planechase! This multiplayer supplement will allow players to travel between planes, with the rules changing depending on where the battle takes place. Each Machine Invasion Commander deck contains ten different Planechase cards: five new cards and five reprints. Players will be able to track down the Phyrexians across the multiverse and add some excitement to their next game of Commander.

Machine Invasion: The Day After – This small 50-card expansion focuses on the story, showing the events directly following the Machine Invasion. Which characters are still alive, which ones are finally happy, and which ones are no longer of this world? This expansion is for those who are interested in the story, the characters, and what happens next. Invasion of the Machines: The Day After features 50 new cards for the Standard format sold in five-card boosters. Magic will change forever.

Important Dates:

  • March 16-19: Invasion of the Machines storyline
  • March 29: Map announcements and cinematic trailer begin
  • March 29 – April 4: Map announcements
  • April 5: All expansion cards will be revealed
  • April 14-20: Pre-release events in stores
  • April 18: Expansion released on MTG Arena and Magic Online
  • April 21: Expansion released in print
  • May1: Machine Invasion: The Day After story
  • May 2-3: Machine Invasion: The Day After card announcements


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