The Pokémon Company International today announced the discovery of Poltchageist, a brand-new Pokémon. Poltchageist was discovered in Septentria, the location of The Buried Treasure of the Zero Zone, Volume 1: The Turquoise Mask, the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, which will be released exclusively on Nintendo Switch systems on September 13, 2023. A cinematic trailer is dedicated to it
Like Théffroi, Poltchageist has a spiral motif. In Théffroi, this pattern is a weak point, but not in Poltchageist. Poltchageist sucks vital energy from its target by sprinkling it with the powder that makes up its body, or by making it ingest food that contains some of this powder
Category: Pokémon Matcha
type: Plant/Spectrum
size: 0.1 m
weight : 1,1 kg
talent : Aux Petits Soins
Poltchageist makes his home in old houses, where he sometimes repairs broken objects. His talent, Aux Petits Soins, enables him to restore some of his ally’s HP when they return to combat
To find out more about The Buried Treasure of Zone Zero, visit